Thursday, September 21, 2006

Still going fast but not furious

Today was a typical day at school. I took the leftover pineapple upside-down cake up there to share so I wouldn't be tempted to eat it myself. My students started performing their selections for the tournament. Some are not ready at all and but some are going to be fine. I don't know how well things will end up, but it should be interesting. Some just now got scripts today to memorize by Saturday. The only reason I'm letting them go is because we need the numbers to for an event to become qualifying. For the next tournament, they will have to be ready at least a week beforehand or I will drop them. At least it's not for another month. I stayed after school today until 6:00 listening to students, cutting scripts and such. Then I came home, checked my email and left. I ran by Wendy's to get a quick bite and headed up to the Church. We had choir practice tonight. At first, I was the only one there and told the director that I was not going to sing by myself. We finally gathered another person and may have one more join us on Sunday. It is a bit intimidating to sing with so few people which won't let me really blend in much. Luckily, it was a shorter rehearsal so I was able to get home at a fairly decent hour. But I'm still exhausted and will probably go to bed early tonight. Saturday is going to be coming quickly. I will have to leave here by 5:30 a.m. and probably won't get home until midnight.
So that's my exciting day. Am ready for a break soon. I'm not complaining. Being busy is really a good thing and I enjoy having a pretty full life; but I also enjoy some simple down time.


Billy said...

Whew! Take a break sista'! You're making me dizzy cuz' you are so busy! At least there is no furious, yet. Slooooooow down.

Anonymous said...

Man, now I just want pineapple upside-down cake....YUM! But anyway, I wanted to wish you good luck tomorrow with the debate. And have a great weekend!