Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Sick again

I started developing a cough yesterday. Today I was still coughing and feeling a little achy. No fever though, but it's a little hard to breathe. I don't know if it's worth going to the doctor or not. I don't feel horrible - just not great. I am, however, going to call it an early night. I think perhaps I just need to get some rest. (Imagine that)
Tomorrow I have to get fingerprinted. Oh joy! It is a requirement by the state that every teacher is fingerprinted. It has been a complicated process and tomorrow is the day. I just hope I'm not one of those whose fingerprints get "rejected" because they aren't clear enough. If we don't get this taken care of within the 80 days of our "window" then we are out of a job - no ifs, ands, or buts. We immediately lose our certification until it is taken care of.
I still feel overwhelmed with work, but that is normal. I also need to get the house clean before Josh comes home this weekend. It will be nice that we can go to dinner like we usually do for our birthday though it will be a little early. Can you believe that I'll be turning 40 in a week? I'm not sure how I feel about that? I guess it will just be another day like it always is.
Well, I'm going to curl up with a book (something unheard of!) and call it an early night as promised.


Leann said...

Enjoy the miracle of turning 40. You have accomplished so much!
I hope you are feeling better :-) Don't they do fingerprints digitally now? No more messy ink and stuff.

Anonymous said...


Summer said...

Are you feeling better today? How was Josh's visit home and dinner?