Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Josh got his permit

After our second trip to the DMV we had success! I was finally able to get hold of my dad who had my copy of Josh's certified birth certificate. We picked it up and went to the DMV. After waiting in line for about 25 minutes we finally got to the front. We had all our paperwork in order, we signed all the proper documents, and swore that we were telling the truth. I paid the five dollar fee and then Josh took his test. He missed two questions. The lady was quite impressed and said that he had a good teacher. I said that he's really just very smart. So we have his permit and we can start the actual driving. I still have to cover 26 hours of instruction and 14 hours of driving. He can officially get his license on December 2. I have six months to figure out how to get another car. When I was talking to my dad today, he said that if his finances get in order and his girlfriend's house sells, then he might help me out in getting a car. That would be nice, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
I continued to get more work done on my website and am happy with it so far. It's not anything spectacular, but at least I did it myself. I have to get some work done tomorrow and plan to focus on the garage so I can get rid my garage sale items. I also want to start some walking or other exercise as well. I certainly need it. I forgot about summer band. Josh and I will start going tomorrow. We're also going to do some practice driving and maybe he can drive to his piano lesson. I should probably go to bed soon but I have to wait for Josh to call at midnight so I can pick him up. It will be so nice when he has a license!

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