Monday, May 15, 2006

Monday, Monday

It feels like half the week is gone, but I realize it is still only Monday. I actually got to school early this morning. I had to run by the bank to quickly deposits checks so that I wouldn't be overdrawn. By my calculations I shouldn't have been, but I've been know to be forgetful once in a while. But money is there and all is good for the moment. Of course nobody showed up for their detentions this morning. I figured as much with it being Monday. I got my semester test finished and it's ready to be printed... if only I had a printer that worked. I'm not sure what it is this year, but I have had the worst luck with my printer. First it had a problem with the print tray and it had to be picked up and fixed and later returned. Then it worked great for a while. Then over the Christmas break something happened to it and the network card was damaged. (I'm thinking perhaps custodial staff tried to move things for cleaning and didn't unhook the cord... but not certain.) So a new card was ordered sometime in January, but it wouldn't arrive until March. So I moved it in to my office and connected it directly to my computer which worked well, unless anyone (like the print shop next door) else wanted to print to it. Finally in April the network card arrived and it was installed quickly, but I still couldn't print. I had to wait on administration to network it from there. I have no idea as to why I'm still waiting. Played email tag last week and then today a student was sent to make sure everything was plugged in correctly... which it was. So I don't know. I have my little personal printer which is getting me by, but it's getting low on ink. O.k. I'm tired of writing about my printing issues just as much as you are tired of reading about them.
So my classes were in the library/lab today. They are working on group projects where they have to plan a panel discussion. They have to choose some kind of problem in the world and figure out a solution for it. When I first was going to plan groups, I was going to have them be diverse with some good, some mediocre and some bad kids in each group. But then I talked to my wise mentor and she said that she didn't put her groups together that way. She put all the bad ones together and they have to fend for themselves rather skating by on the tails of those that actually do the work. I thought that was brilliant. So that's what I did. It seems to be working out pretty well and they are doing about as expected. The good groups are doing well and the others are... well, I'll be impressed if they speak for two minutes tops.
I am so ready for school to be out. I really did not want to get up this morning. I am ready to have my summer of sleeping in. It's going to be another slightly busy week. Our speech banquet is this Thursday and on Sunday I'm singing in choir at Church and then have to go back to Hereford for a UIL recognition thing.
I tried to get some work done in my room at school today but I'm not sure what I should do. I still have no idea if I am going to be moved next year, if I should pack my things before school is out or what.
Josh's band concert was tonight. I still get emotional at these things. I will probably be bawling his senior year. Now I'm going to go veg for about an hour and then get ready for bed. Perhaps a bloody mary will help me get a good night's sleep. At least last night I didn't have tornado dreams.

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