Sunday, January 25, 2009

I survived - but not unscathed

I'm not sure where to begin. This past week was extremely stressful but thankfully it is all over.
On Wednesday my tonsils were huge and I knew I needed to get to the doctor or I wouldn't make through the rest of the week. Even though I didn't really have the time, I took off the last three class periods from school that day to go to the doctor. I feared that I might be getting strep, but it turns out it's just tonsillitis which still isn't great, but a much better prognosis. I spent all evening on Wednesday decorating the stage for the Koobraey awards. After I got home around 10:30 I stayed up another couple of hours finishing tallying the awards. I still hadn't finished the script for the show by Thursday and the show was that evening at 7:00.
I spent all day working on the script in my classes and didn't get finished until around 5:30. I didn't have time to eat at all on Thursday with all the preparations that had to be done. I also started to lose my voice that day. Somehow I managed to get myself dressed for the show and get it started. I still had a few issues in that I didn't print enough tickets and it was almost standing room only. We had some technical microphone glitches as well, but once the show got started it seemed to run pretty smoothly overall. I think I made record time as we finished in just a little over two hours. It's my understand that in the past it has gone three hours or more with a lot of down time. The audience was a bit rude from what I was told, but that is something I have no control over. I did get a lot of compliments about the show afterwards so I was fairly pleased about it. I got home around 10:15 and picked up some Wendy's for dinner since I hadn't eaten all day and then I had to do a quick assignment for grad school that was due by midnight.
I spent all of Friday getting ready for the speech tournament. I had to get judges sorted and the software downloaded and a million other things done. My kids helped after school and we got most everything set up and I was headed home by 5:15 so I could get to the bank to cash the checks for the supplies I needed for the tournament. I was still up until about 1:30 that morning entering information for the tournament into the computer program that we use for it. I had to get up by 5:00 and be on my way to the school by 5:45.
The tournament went well other than the fact that I really started to lose my voice and I'm sure it didn't help that I still had to keep on talking all day as I dealt with tournament stuff. We were a little behind in the morning, but we quickly caught up and actually got done early since one of the debates closed out. (Meaning the top two teams were from the same school so they didn't debate the final round.) I went with my kids out to eat afterwards and by the time I was headed home I had a hacking cough, chills, and my voice was completely gone. I took a tylenol p.m. and just knocked myself out.
This morning I went to church though I probably just should have stayed in bed. I ended up having to step out because I had a coughing fit. I went to the bathroom where I realized that I had a slight bloody nose as well. I pulled myself together enough to go back in for the rest of the service, but came straight home when it was over. I just had some leftover thai food for lunch and now I'm going back to bed.
So like I said, somehow I survived but it's not unscathed.... I just hope I get my voice back soon. I can't call Marty which totally sucks because I miss him.
I don't know how much blogging I'll be doing... as you can tell, life is back to the state of busy-ness for me.


Leann said...

Wow girl. Your body is telling you something and it's now at a screeching level. I truly hope you are feeling better. *hugs*

Billy said...

I am out of breath just reading what you have done! Whew! Go Go Go Girl!