Monday, November 10, 2008

Another year

Josh and I celebrated another birthday. Today wasn't really much of a celebration but it wasn't too bad for a birthday. Josh and I went to dinner last Friday. We have a tradition of going out to eat somewhere each year. The last few years it has been at the Olive Garden and it was no exception this year. Saturday we had another speech tournament. My team won first place sweepstakes for the third time in a row so far this year. On Sunday I played at church at the 8:30 Mass and thought I played horribly. I had reed issues and just couldn't get it together. Oh well, hopefully it wasn't too noticeable. Sunday afternoon was spent doing a little cleaning and then I went to Josh's orchestra concert. After that I spent time working on my storytime presentation that I had to do today.

This morning I got up much earlier than normal and got to school by 7:20. I got some things ready for my presentation and then at 10:00 I headed over to an elementary school. I did my presentation for a class of first graders. I read two stories which were The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Charlie the Caterpillar. Do you see a theme? I included a poem with hand gestures and an art activity for the students. I spent about 45 minutes there and I think it went well. I'm not sure elementary kids are my cup of tea, but I think I did what I needed to do for the project.

After that, I came back to school and my 5th period students brought cupcakes to class for my birthday and they sang "Happy Birthday" to me in both English and Spanish. It was a fairly normal school day after that. Marty sent me a text message telling me Happy Birthday and then I talked to him briefly on the way home from school.

Once home, I made dinner, typed my storytime report and then had to go to band. I just got back a little while ago and talked to my aunt who called to wish me a Happy Birthday as well. She sent me a check in the mail with a card which will be great to have for my upcoming trip. Josh was supposed to get a card as well, but it didn't make it today. I hope it didn't get lost in the mail.

Now I'm going to finish my storytime report and then call it a night. I have a lot more I should do, but I am already tired so I am going to try to get to bed soon. Just 3 days, 19 hours and 37 minutes until my flight on Friday! (Not that I'm counting.)


Leann said...

Happy birthday!! Sounds like you had a wonderful day.

Terri said...

happy belated birthday!