Monday, November 04, 2013

Happy Anniversary to Us

Can you believe that it was two years ago that I had my first date with Matt (aka “Library Guy”)?  We communicated online for a few weeks first and then he called me up one night and asked me out.  We went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant in town and I guess the rest is history.  If you remember, he was very slow in making the moves, but it turned out well.  We are still very happy with each other and he says he’s going to make an honest women of me some day. 

We didn’t go out tonight since we were gone all weekend.  Matt had jury duty today and then came to my school after he was finished.  We went to the store and picked up some steaks for him to grill for supper.  They were really good.  Now we’re just sitting on the couch.  Matt is reading a book and I’m obviously blogging.  I just borrowed a book for my Kindle from the library so I’ll start reading it soon.

As far as the Scrabble tournament goes, I did ok.  I ended up 6th overall out of 13 in my division.  I won more games than I was expected to win which means my rating went up a little bit.  Matt did very well.  He won his division and won $190.

Today was a better day at school compared to last Friday, but of course I’m so far behind, I’ll never catch up.  Luckily, no babysitting today.  Tomorrow I have to focus on cleaning up the mess that seems to be growing in the library. 

Well, I think I’m going to go read my book and call it an early night.  Hopefully I’ll sleep better without the constant beeping of one of the smoke detectors in the house signaling that the battery is low (missing).  We got batteries tonight and that’s taken care of. 

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