Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Daily 3 - Coasters

Sorry I didn’t get to post yesterday. After spending all day at the park, I pretty much got to the hotel and passed out. I’ll make up for it by posting twice today.

Today’s Daily 3 will be the three best coasters I rode at Six Flags Great America yesterday.

1. Raging Bull - This one I got to ride the last time I came here in 2004. It is still a great ride with lots of airtime.

2.  Goliath - this is a fairly new one that is a hybrid coaster that has a wood frame and a steel track. It is similar to Iron Rattler at Firsts Texas. It was a nice smooth ride with a lot of inversions and steep drops.

3. X-Flight - We were in line for this with just two groups ahead of us when it was shut down due to weather. A hefty storm passed through a few minutes later but we waited it out and got to ride it after it reopened. It was a fun ride - first time I’d ridden that type of coaster.

1 comment:

Jan said...

I must be getting old...When I saw 'coasters' I thought of those things we put on our coffee table! I should have realized, lol, that it was YOU!