Sunday, June 23, 2019

Daily 3 - Three Words

Today's daily three are three words that I should have played, challenged, and not challenged.

1. Solated - I talked myself out of playing this word because I misremembered it as a phony.  If I had played it, I probably would have won that game.  I played off the L and O and ended up with a Bingo that I couldn't find (and couldn't have played anyway)

2.  Erratas - I challenged this word and shouldn't have.  I was thinking it was already plural and didn't take an "S".  Technically, I'm right, but officially there is a little-used form in which it does take an S.  I still won that game but lost some extra points I would have gotten from my lost turn.

3. Dataries - I challenged this and lost a turn and although I was probably going to lose anyway at this point, it might have changed the game a bit and not be as big of a loss.  I might have been able to draw better after being able to make a play.

Cooth - I should have challenged this as it was a 54 point non-bingo play.  I was pretty sure it should have been couth, but I had previously lost a challenge (erratas) and had bingo counter play and didn't want to risk losing it.

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