Sunday, August 11, 2019

Busy Week

Sorry I haven't posted in several days.  It's been a very busy week in getting ready for starting the new school year.  Students come back tomorrow.  My library is mostly ready though there's still much to do.  It's at least presentable.  Last night I starting feeling achy and miserable and wasn't sure why.  I didn't have any other symptoms like a sore throat, coughing, or sneezing.  Maybe my body was just telling me I've been doing too much and it's time to settle down.  I took 2 Aleve PM and went straight to bed after getting home from dinner.  Wasn't 100% today but feeling a little better but still pretty tired.  I'm just now getting to my computer to get some work done before tomorrow.  Here are three things I've got to get done tonight:

1.  Create a Google Classroom for Student Assistants
2.  Create my first Library monthly newsletter for this year
3.  Create a library policy and procedure guide for new teachers.

I'm going to get started on the most important one first and see how it goes.  It won't be terrible if I don't get everything done, but I'd certainly like to get at least the first one done.

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