Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Cleaning, rest, cleaning

Today is cleaning day for me.  My family from Albuquerque and San Diego are coming in tomorrow evening.  I did sleep in this morning which was lovely, but I’ve been pretty busy.  I’ve done laundry, cleaned kitchen and bathroom counters, vacuumed the bedroom, more laundry, sorted through papers, and on and on.  But now it’s time for a break.  I don’t have to get everything done tonight I guess – I do have time tomorrow, but I’ll focus more on carpet cleaning then.  I’ve made an appointment for Mollie and Max to get trimmed tomorrow.  I have band rehearsal tonight and I don’t really want to go.  I will, though. 

I should finally be under contract with selling the house in Canyon by tomorrow.  I’m really hoping that we can close within a month or less if possible.  I can’t really consider any of the houses here until the closing can happen.  I’ve been sent lists by my realtor and drove around several neighborhoods this weekend.  I was able to eliminate several areas so that should make the house hunting a little easier. 

I’m excited about Matt finally getting to meet my aunt and uncle.  I’m sure they will just love him.  Matt still hasn’t heard from his mother.  He sent her a letter a few weeks ago indicating that we were interested in visiting this summer, but she’s been silent on the issue.  If she doesn’t respond, then I think he will pretty much cut all ties. 

Well, I guess I’ve rested enough.  Time to do more cleaning.

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