Friday, August 20, 2004

Prison Pete II

Ok, just to clarify a few things about Prison Pete...

1. I'm not his editor. I don't do the postings for him. I simply happened upon his blog, started reading it, found it interesting and recommeded it as a blog of note and it just took off from there.
2. If you want to contact his editor, use the email link on his blog page.
3. If you want to link to Pete's blog from your own that is fine. (his editor told me this)
4. I do not know what Pete is in prison for. He successfully evaded that question. And probably with good reason. We can assume what we want, but without his coming out we have to judge him from what we read on his postings. If you can't read the blog because you don't know what he did, then don't read. It's Pete's right to voice what he wants.
5. If you happened upon my blog because of reading Pete's, thanks for reading!!!

1 comment:

Cary said...


1) I happened to read your blog because of Pete's. I'll keep checking back.
2) I happened to read Pete's because of Blogger.
3) I've just finished printing Pete's latest entries to send to my s/o at Eglin Federal Prison Work Camp. Thought he'd find it all interesting.
What a world we live in!