Friday, July 16, 2004

New Book

Happy, happy, joy, joy.  Got a new book today.  I guess I just hadn't realized that the new Sue Grafton book was due to be released this week.  For some reason I had been thinking October.  Well, got a flyer in the mail today indicating that it had been released on Tuesday.  So, I hurried my butt over to Hastings and picked it up for 40% off. 
In case you're wondering, the Sue Grafton books are an alphabet series of mystery books that I started reading a few years ago.  I'm addicted to them.  That and Janet Evanovich's number series.  If you want a very good humorous read, you must read the Janet Evanovich's books.  I guarantee they'll make you laugh out loud. 
Ok, my enter key is acting strange and it's starting to irritate me.  That, and I'm dealing with a headache at the moment.  But despite those little irritations, life is still grand and I'm still happy.  I'm not even too sore after my workout yesterday. 
Going to go have a girl's night out tonight.  That should be fun.
Well, gotta get rid of this headache somehow and it seems the 3 tylenol I took aren't quite getting it completely... though it's fading some.  Perhaps I need to splurge on some excedrin or something.

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