Saturday, February 04, 2006

Overwhelmed and then some

To answer Summer's question, no it isn't over and it doesn't look like it will be soon. I came home tonight after picking up my son from a police officer at the park (more on that later) and saw the messy pile of dishes, the animals that wanted attention, the piles of laundry, and it just hit me that I am probably in over my head at the moment. If I had a place to just go and cry I would have done just that, but unfortunately there isn't a place, nor is there time for such nonsense. Shall I catch you up? (For those readers that haven't abandoned my blog for lack of posts)
Last week was spent with two days after school working on debate stuff. Tuesday I actually came home at a decent hour, but was still so exhausted after the previous weekend's speech tournament that I was in bed by9:30. Thursday all day was the debate tournament. I didn't get home that night until 10:30. Friday morning I had to go to school and spent the entire morning getting ready for a substitute for the afternoon and on Monday. We left to go to the speech tournament around 2:00 and I didn't get home until midnight. This morning I headed back up to the speech tournament and was there from 9:15 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. On my way home tonight I get a call from a police officer telling me that I had to pick up my son at the park. It seems Josh and some so-called friends (I will call them idiots) went to park to play with air pistols that are technically harmless, but they look like actual guns. Some neighbors called the police and they responded to the scene. They didn't press any charges, but did state the seriousness of having a gun that looks like a real gun in the dark. Luckily the boys didn't make any threatening moves or it could have been a very bad thing. I am surprised at Josh being involved, but I think he realizes how incredibly stupid it was and I don't think he will be hanging around those guys any more.
So now I am home. I just wolfed down some chili (without beans) and rice. I really don't have time to post, but the guilt got to me. It isn't ending soon, I'm afraid. Tomorrow I have mass at 8:30 and immediately after Josh and I have to leave to go to Albuquerque. I have to go to my aunt & uncle's 20th wedding anniversary party. Nevermind the fact that I don't have any laundry done, haven't checked the oil in my car (which is necessary), and haven't packed a thing. And I am so exhausted right now, I don't think I will get anything done tonight. I am also singing in the choir which means I have to get to church early. Luckily I did decide to wait and come on Monday. I know what you're thinking... just don't go on this trip... stay home and relax and take care of yourself. No can do. The family would be very disappointed if I didn't go, I would feel guilty and I would also be disappointed to miss it. So when I get back, I have to teach for 3 days at school, then get ready to go to Vegas on Friday. The following week on Thurs/Fri I am going to San Antonio (driving, no less) to see Josh's all-state band concert. The week after that I will have off, and then the first week in March we will be going to the state speech contest in Pharr, Texas. (And yes, Pharr is really far.)
What else can we add to the wonderfulness of all of this? Oh, Josh's band trip money had to be paid this week. I paid it instead of the phone bill and his lessons. I have a gazillion papers to grade and haven't touched any of them.
O.k. this post doesn't have much in the way of happy thoughts right now.. so I will share something happy. The students did fairly well at the tournament. One student finally qualified for TFA state and our team received a sweepstakes trophy. I also sent off my tax return this week and I will some day be getting around $1300 back. I actually qualified for Earned Income Credit this year which netted over $300 in my return. I want to buy a laptop with the money, but I have a feeling it will be squandered on things like electricity, heat, water and food. Oh well.


Susanlee said...

I was really excited about my return too, which is about what yours is, and then, alas, realized that I too will be squandering it on bills. Bah.

Summer said...

OMG. These tournaments, does the responsibility come with this job? Is it only you with all this responsibility? What I'm getting at, is, the other teachers that you work with, they don't have assignments like this do they? When do you have time to actually teach and plan lessons and grade papers and on and on? You should be paid double, because you're doing TWO jobs. GRRRRRRRR.