Thursday, October 23, 2008

More bragging

I went to the musical tonight. The high school did a production of Grease. They had two starring casts; one that showed last weekend and the second cast is this weekend. Josh had the role of Sonny. I have to say that I'm still proud of my boy. He's very talented. (If I say so myself.) It wasn't the starring role by any means, but he had some great lines and he really gets into the character. I thoroughly enjoyed his performance. He is such a ham. I only planned to go to this show, but I'll probably have to go again on Sunday. Saturday would have been great, but I have a speech tournament of course. I'm still feeling overwhelmed and I really need a break. I've been taking one to some degree this week, but I will pay for it soon. I have just been so tired. I've done some reading and that's all. I have more journals and other assignments to work on. Hopefully tomorrow evening I'll get a lot done. Josh has a game out of town (sort of) and I'm just going to stay here and work my tail off. I'm not sure if I'll get anything done at the tournament. I'll be busy taking care of ballots during all day.
I have no grades in for school and I know that's not a good thing, but I just don't have time to do it all. I've had to deal with yearbook sales, seniors turning in their proofs and orders, speech team stuff, yearbook page planning, class stuff, ISS and prime time assignments, travel planning... the list is endless. Something has to change next year. I'm ready to throw in the towel so to speak. I don't know what's going to happen. Worst case scenario, I stay where I am and just hand over the speech team to my current assistant and just help him as needed. Best case, I get out of regular teaching for a year or move into a library position somewhere.
Well it's bed time already but I think I'll read for a little bit.


Leann said...

I can't imagine keeping the agenda you do. Take care of you.

Summer said...

I was wondering how this school year was going to go for you with you going back to school. Can/will someone else do the speech team?

Anonymous said...

Hm? How are you? Got some sleep over the weekend? I was sleeping for nearly 12 hours after my last work. ow I will slowly think of starting again, but my seminar will be cancelled.