I don’t feel good about the interview. I got stumped on a stupid question and can’t believe I didn’t have a decent answer – at least not until I was about an hour away heading home. This was a preliminary interview and I don’t think they were very impressed. I doubt that I’ll be called back for a second interview with the principal. But at least that means I don’t have to think about moving. On the positive side, I jotted down the questions that were asked after I left so that I can work on them for future interviews.
I started getting a headache on the way back and it took about an hour and half to get it to go away. I stopped for lunch in Wichita Falls and got it to go, but I stopped for about twenty minutes at a rest stop just to close my eyes for a bit. I got a mountain dew and after the brief cat nap, I was able to make it the rest of the way home.
Tomorrow is a day of work for me. I have inservice for summer school. No kids, just preparation. I have plenty to do. I’m going to take 1/2 an ambien shortly and go to bed. I’m feeling a bit let down over the interview – but nothing that a good night’s sleep hopefully can’t fix.