Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Feeling blah

I’m getting sick again.  Started getting the scratchy throat yesterday.  I came home from school and didn’t want to do anything, but had to go the bank and then had church last night.  It was the communal reconciliation service and I needed to go since I knew I wouldn’t have another chance to get to confession before Easter.  So after I got home I took 1/2 a sleeping pill and was in bed by 8:00 p.m.  This morning I could feel my tonsils swelling up.  I also just felt drained and tired all day.  I called for a doctor’s appointment during my conference period so I got in at 4:30 today.  Got an antibiotic so hope it will kick in and take care of this yuckiness. 

I’m applying for another local library job.  This time it is a the city library – a youth services job.  I guess we’ll see if I can get in for an interview again.  My concern is that even if I should get the job, the salary may not be where it needs to be.  I guess I’ll wait and see. 

I need to finish creating two tests over poetry for my English classes tonight.  But I want to go to bed at a decent hour as well.  I guess after American Idol is over I will take a benadryl and work on the test until it kicks in.  I’ll finish the test when I get to school if I don’t get it done tonight.

1 comment:

Patti said...

Hey, can you get ColdFX in the US? It's essentially ginseng.

Gotta tell ya - I'm converted. I take one a day, and CANNOT BELIEVE how healthy I remain, when everyone around me is sneezing, coughing and feverish. Even when I did get sick, it was far shorter and less severe.