Wednesday, June 09, 2004


I found that in my deepest hurt writing poetry would help. I can't say I'll ever win a pulitzer for my ramblings and mostly it is just therapuetic for me. I used to be much more prolific than I've been as of late. When I look back at some of the poems it's amazing to read about such hurt and pain and yet not completely remember it. I do know I've felt such intensity, but it also makes me think "why?" Did I have any control over the hurt I felt? Probably not. Perhaps it is just a state of growing up, but it seems that perhaps it was a process of becoming a true adult. I'm not sure when I crossed over that threshold, but I finally feel like a grown up. (Despite my love for riding coasters) I wish I could say that because of that I'll no longer feel such hurt, but perhaps I can just deal with it better. I'll start posting a few poems here from time to time. This one is probably my favorite.

Broken Heart

Do you ever feel so angry
You just want to throw something?
Smash a glass into a million
Pieces as they fly in every direction.
Like my heart broken for what
Seems like the millionth time.
Such a fragile piece
It should be handled ever so gently
I give it to you so willingly
Yet you toy with it.
Toss it from here to there
Break it every once in a while—
But no need to worry – somehow
It always gets mended.
But there is a time when
Something has been broken so often
It cannot be repaired.
Cracks and holes are left
Reminders of a previous pain
An object that is so fragile
Not a single soul can touch it.

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