Sunday, July 14, 2019

Daily 3 - Moving

So yesterday Matt and I went to dinner for our anniversary with some friends of ours that just bought a house.  We went over to see the house after dinner and didn't get back until really late so I didn't have time to post a daily 3 as I pretty much just fell into bed and went to sleep.  We are going over there shortly to help them with unpacking.  Having moved a few times in the past 8 years, today's daily three are the best things I paid for in moving:

1. Moving guys and a truck.  When I bought the house I'm in, I had planned to borrow a trailer from a fellow teacher but of course, it would RAIN the weekend I'm moving.  I rented a U-Haul truck at the last minute.  When I discovered that big guys (Matt and his friend Jason) don't necessarily equal strength, I called to see if I could get a couple of moving guys.  They were by far the best money I ever spent.  Even though I was only moving a couple of blocks away, they loaded up all the big stuff and my boxes and unloaded them in 2 hours. 

2.  Installing a pet door.  I actually had to buy a door and the pet door and have both installed.  The door to the back yard had a big pane of glass in the middle of it. 

3.  Garage door opener.  I've been spoiled by being able to park my car in the garage.  (Note that only 1/2 of the garage is clean)  I don't really have to deal with frosty/icy mornings anymore, but it's nice to enter and exit via the garage. 

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