Monday, July 08, 2019

Daily 3 - Series Books

I'm a big fan of series books - especially those that are still being written and I can usually expect a new book at least once a year.  I like the character development over the course of a series.  Here are my top 3 favorites (with some honorable mentions).

1.  Harry Potter Series - Still a favorite and I reread the series every year.  I read the first book when Josh was in 3rd grade.  He was reading one of the books and I started it and then had him check out the other books for me.  I now have a Harry Potter Club at my high school library. 

2.  Sue Grafton's Alphabet Series - It was a great loss when she passed away before getting to "Z" but I still love this series and have reread them a couple of times.

3.  Lee Child's Jack Reacher Series - I happened on this series around 2010 or so because I randomly had the book from a book club I once joined and was intrigued after reading.  It was because of this series that I got my first Kindle because I looked at my bookshelves and decided if I was going to commit to another series that I really didn't have room for more books.  I got Matt hooked on the books as well and now he buys me the books for my birthday since they are usually released in November. 

Honorable mentions:

Miranda James Cat in the Stacks Mystery - this is a series I happened upon a couple of years ago that features a librarian as the main character who has a Maine Coon cat as his sidekick.  It's a cute series.

David Baldacci's Memory Man series - I'm not sure how David Baldacci writes so many books so fast, but I've enjoyed this particular series by him.

Rick Riordan's Tres Navarre series - You might not know this, but Rick Riordan (known for the Percy Jackson YA series) used to live in San Antonio.  He taught at a middle school here and at one of the universities as well.  Before he began the Percy Jackson series, he wrote a series about a San Antonio PI named Tres Navarre.  It's kind of cool to read a mystery about places I've become more familiar with. 

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