Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Daily 3 - Facebook Groups

Today's Daily 3 will be some Facebook Groups that I follow:

1. Future Ready Librarians - this is a group for Librarians that often share ideas, ask for advice, and such.  It currently has over 21,000 members.

2.  North American Scrabble Players Association (NASPA) - this is the official group for the competitive Scrabble group that Matt and I compete in.  They make announcements about Scrabble-related business and people will post about game scenarios or ask Scrabble-related questions.

3.  UPS Dogs - This one is just fluff to make me smile.  It features UPS drivers interacting with dogs (and other animals) as they make deliveries.  It's cute pictures of dogs - what more could you ask for?


Jan said...

I chuckled when I read #3. I have fond memories. My late husband had a German Shepherd mix who's idea of heaven on earth was for me to leave the tailgate of my mini van open so he could sleep back there. We also had an underground fence and a very long, steep drive. UPS drivers could either walk up the drive and chance pissing Arnie off (and being chased down the drive) or drive up and having to back down.

What I didn't tell them was that there was a point where Arnie couldn't and wouldn't cross the drive since his 'fence' went across the drive.

One driver figured it out and would stand at that point and talk to Arnie before setting the packages down and blowing a whistle to alert me that there was a package.

One day I did hear the truck and listened for the whistle. When I didn't hear it, I went to investigate. To my shock, Arnie and the UPS driver were sitting in the back of my van, sharing lunch!

Annabel said...

Love it!