Sunday, September 12, 2004

It's Sunday

It's Sunday. I used to have a Sunday tradition of reading the paper. I would get the paper and read it (Well, skim most of it) in a certain order. And nobody could have any section until I was finished with it. And damn anyone that tried to read over my shoulder. It used to drive my ex and Josh crazy, but they finally got the hang of it. Josh would just ask if I'd read the comics yet rather than could he have them. I don't know why I was so particular about this. I guess it just became my routine and I didn't want to change. Now I don't have a subscription. I had to get rid of it when I was leaving Richard. (You know cutting expenses and all) I guess now I could get another subscription and get back into my Sunday ritual.
Today I slept in again. And now I'm sitting in bed with the computer reading blogs and avoiding any kind of housework. I wish I had a maid. Probably won't happen in this lifetime, but it's a nice thought to have someone going around picking up after me. But knowing me the way I do, If I did have a housekeeper of sorts, I pick up the house before she came so I wouldn't be so embarrassed by it. I know it's weird. It's also weird how when we have a tornado warning or something, I clean the house. It's not necessarily logical reasoning, but I figure if it's going to get destroyed, it will be less messy if everything is put where it belongs to begin with. Yes, I know, it doesn't make sense. But at least I get the house clean. I used to clean when I was angry too. That hasn't happened since Richard left. (Amazingly) But when we'd have a fight (sometimes about cleaning) that's what I'd do. But it would be the loud kind of cleaning where you bang pots and pans, slam cabinet doors etc. And now I just have to clean for the sake of cleaning. And I hate it. But I'll probably do it to avoid doing work to get ready for next week. (Yes, I'm a procrastinator too)

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