Tuesday, September 14, 2004

What's the catch?

I've been pondering the state of life these days. Things in general have been really good as of late and that makes me wonder what the catch is? Is it simply having to deal with a long distance relationship? It's hard to fathom life going well... like having someone special in it, being able to pay bills, have a pretty good roof over my head, a few good friends etc. It just seems that I've never really experienced a content kind of life. It seems that I've always struggled with "stuff". Having Josh in college, getting through college, dealing with my love-life, being married to an ass, financial issues, getting divorced, my family... blah, blah, blah. Is it o.k. to have a content life without some kind of crisis or is this just the calm before the storm?
Marty called with potentially good news yesterday. Of course I hate to get my hopes up, but there is a little spark. He was supposed to be in Connecticut for another 2 years, but it turns out that his position is being cancelled and he's going to have to transfer possibly next summer. Where he'll end up is not certain yet, but it won't be on the East coast and not likely on a ship. He's hoping to get on the Gulf of Texas or perhaps Louisiana which would make travel for us a lot easier... maybe. Right now it's also making things difficult. Because of these changes, he can't be certain that he'll get to come to Albuquerque in Dec. which I was kind of counting on. It's very frustrating. Despite that, I guess life is still good. But the long-distance thing is still hard.
I wanted to go see Marty at Thanksgiving and take Josh with me. And the price on flights have gone down again... but finances are tight enough that I don't think I can swing it right now. I could go by myself, but then Josh would have to stay in Albuquerque. Or I could go to Vegas. Mmmmmm.... very tempting. Wonder if I would have to go alone? But I've been there alone. It's not so much fun by yourself. Or I guess I could just go shopping.

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