Sunday, September 26, 2004

Weekly Bit

Here's the link if you want to do this meme.

A Bit About 'First Times & First Loves'...for the week of September 26.2004

1. Describe your first kiss. It was nice. It was with M.S. in front of the house I'm living in now actually. (It was my aunt's house at the time) He had just walked me back home after going to a special concert featuring the WT symphonic band. We were in 8th grade and I thought I was the last girl to be kissed. The kiss itself was pretty good I guess. It wasn't sloppy and it did include tongue. Made me think that kissing was definitely o.k.
2. Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? M.S. officially. I had another bf in 2nd grade, but I don't think that counts.
3. When was your heart first broken? Gee, that's tough. I thought for the longest time that B.C. broke my heart, but that's just because I was in love with him and he didn't feel the same way. First time I guess would be Tony in college. He broke up with me and I wasn't sure why. It hurt at the time. And since then my heart has been broken numerous times. And I know I've broken a few hearts.
4. When was the first time you fell in love? I thought I was in love with B.C. in 8th grade, but I think my first love was Tony in college.
5. What was your first real date like? I don't think I remember my first real date. What constitutes a real date anyways? It could have been in 9th grade when I went to the movies with Bret. It could have been in 8th grade when I went to a church thing with M.S. It might have been in college when I dated David. The first time a guy actually ever called me up and asked me out was when Marty asked me to homecoming my senior year... the night before.

an extra bit...write about this quote..."For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." -Judy Garland

That's exactly how Marty affected me and why I fell for him. Though it came almost out of the blue, it was my heart and soul that was touched. Not just a good "feeling" but the "knowing" that it was just right. And I couldn't help it. I fell very hard and he caught me. And I'm not going to let go.

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