Monday, July 21, 2008

Last Week of Relaxation

This will be my last week of relaxing before things start getting busy again. Yesterday I went to the 11:15 Mass. I talked to Marty before I went to church for a little bit but the signal cut out as he was driving so I didn't worry about calling him back. He had called me back around 12:15 but I missed the call since I was in church and I called him back after I got out. This morning he called me again to let me know where he was (close to Mobile, AL) so he's making good progress.
I haven't cleaned the house like I should, but I plan to get that done sometime this week. I don't know if that will include the entire garage, but I'll hopefully make a dent. I've been re-reading the Harry Potter books this past week and I've finished all but the last one which I'll start this evening and probably finish sometime tomorrow. I also got a new book in the mail today that I want to get started on as well called "The Love that Satisfies" by Christopher West. I ordered another book that hasn't shipped yet. I don't know if I'll get to both of them before I have to go back to school. I hope so because I probably won't have time after school starts.
I've sent my online advising memo to my grad school adviser and now I just have to wait to register on August 18. Classes start a week later. I'm still nervous but kind of excited at the same time. I just hope I can do this.
I got an email from my principal today. The yearbooks have already arrived at the school. Thankfully, he had them put up in one of the storage areas at the school. Tomorrow I'll go up there and pick one up so I can check it out. I'll also take my macbook and drop it off to the technology guy at admin so he can get windows installed.
Well, I'm a little tired since I didn't go to bed until 1:30 or so last night. I got up earlier than I wanted to this morning. But I need to go to the store and get a few things. I don't know what I want to make for dinner. I have a steak being thawed. That might be good, but I don't have anything to go with it. Maybe a baked potato would be good. Well, I guess I should head out and take care of that stuff.


Leann said...

I enjoyed the pics of the reunion. It looks like everyone had a really good time and I knwo it must have been fun to reconnect with everyone.

I know you can do the 'back to school' thing. You are bright, intelligent, motivated, *do you feel the power of positive thoughts yet?*

Anonymous said...

Steak, pan ... else?

Read in the subtitle of your reading "agape" - as in "caritas"? So it is about all the different kinds of inclination between humans. Interesting read I am sure.