Thursday, November 03, 2005


Someone commented to me the other stating: "You don't like change, do you?" I had to think about that. And I suppose she was right in a lot of ways. On the other hand, I sometimes welcome change and it is a blessing. For example the change I am experiencing in my Catholic journey. That has been a wonderful blessing. But when it comes to cars and food and all of that, I'm pretty set in my ways. When I go out to eat, I tend to order the same thing at specific restaurants. I rarely try something different. The thing is that I know what I like and I know it's good, so why risk something else? I have been driving for 20 years now. In that time I have had only 4 different cars. My first car was a '79 Mustang that I had to put oil in every day after school. My parents finally got me a new car my junior year. It was an '88 Nissan Sentra. I had that car for nine years. When I finally was able to buy my first car on my own, what do you think I bought? You guessed it. A Sentra. Of course this one was loaded with cruise control, power windows and air conditioning. I kept that car for two years and traded it in on my current car. My Honda is 6 1/2 years old. And I'll drive it until I can afford a new car. When I was thinking about getting a new car at the beginning of the year, I was pretty set on simply getting a newer version of my Honda. It's been a great car and why change now?

But it's not that I don't welcome change or like it. Change can be a very good thing. I just know that when something works, I tend to stick with it. And perhaps that's why I fought so hard in my relationships and why I always hate break ups. Sure they're painful and perhaps they are meant to be and for a good reason, but it's still a change. But I guess I should be more open than I am.

1 comment:

Susanlee said...

I dont like change either...I tell Justin frequently : thank god i dont have to date anymore!!