Sunday, April 06, 2008

Unpleasant tasks

There's nothing like doing one unpleasant task in order to avoid another one. I've been doing laundry all day. I'm not sure what I'm going to do in the morning having a lot of clothing choices. The unpleasant task that I have been avoiding is grading papers. I've been doing that very well. I have to get them done by Thursday this week. I also have to get the spare room clean. I was going to start on that earlier, but I wasn't feeling very well. I decided to take it easy for a bit.

I didn't make it to the 8:30 service. I got up a little after 9:00. I had to spend 15 minutes defrosting the freezer with the hair dryer again. I really need a new fridge, but that's not going to happen any time soon. I went to the 11:15 service then went to Walmart to get my money back on curtains that I bought. Well, I thought they were curtains. The package was not labeled correctly, and it was just a valance. I decided that I'm just going to try to finish making the ones I originally planned for my bedroom last year. I still have the material, I just need the space to finish them. Hopefully I'll have that by the end of the week.

I went to Josh's concert this afternoon. I thought he did a great job writing the wind parts. Afterwards we went to the banquet. They served chicken parmesan which was o.k. but they should have served it with some pasta. Josh didn't get the band camp scholarship. I realized that he should have played more of the emotional card in his essay. Well, live and learn. He's not going to want to do that and write personal stuff, but when it comes to scholarships for college, he may have to bit the bullet and put it all out there.

Well, it's going to be a busy week. I've got a lot to get done before I leave to go out of town. I may get to take my kids to Six Flags on the way to Austin. I could really use a roller coaster rush. Well, I'm going to get back to laundry. I'm getting close to being done with my clothes. Then I have some blankets, sheets and towels to wash. Laundry is my life.


Leann said...

ok, I so totally want a roller coaster rush too!! Take me, take me.

Summer said...

You know that laundry is my middle name. That's all I do. Ever.