Monday, October 25, 2010

Overwhelmed again

I have two papers to write.  I started the first one on Friday with getting research and am still not finished.  I gathered more research on Saturday, read through it on Sunday and marked information and then started writing today.  It is only two pages typed, but for some reason I keep getting mental blocks in writing.  I don’t know if it is because I have too much information and can’t focus or if it is just difficult to write.  Tomorrow I am staying at the school to take pictures at the board meeting and then Matthew and I are going to dinner afterward. 

I have to turn the first paper in by Wednesday and then get the research done on my next paper that is due on Sunday.  The problem is that I want to go to the game on Thursday and then we have the concert on Friday.  That gives me only Saturday to really get the paper written so I can edit on Sunday. 

I’m going to take two personal days on Monday and Tuesday to try to finish last year’s yearbook.  I just don’t have the time during the week to work on it.  I have the personal days so I guess I might as well use them – even though I do plan to take more in the spring for my capstone exam and when I graduate. 

I had insomnia again last night.  I fell asleep just fine but woke up around 2:30 and couldn’t get back to sleep.  I finally drifted off shortly before 5:00 a.m. but then the alarm clock went off at 6:00.  I just took a benadryl tonight because I’ve been sneezing off and on all day and figured I need it to knock me out for tonight.  Well, I’m off to bed – will work on the paper tomorrow.

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