Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Breakfast Tacos

I don’t like eggs.  I never have.  This doesn’t include things made with eggs like cake, french toast, or mayonnaise.  I just don’t like cooked eggs of any kind.  I have discovered living in San Antonio that there are restaurants that make breakfast tacos without eggs.  You can pick and choose your toppings.  Matt likes to go out for breakfast so we’ve been going out quite a bit and it’s nice that I can order breakfast tacos the way I want them.  Of course all this eating out from dating is taking a toll.  I’ve gained about 5 or 6 pounds in just the last two months.  I’m going to have to get active and start losing the weight I’ve gained.  Matt has actually lost 6 pounds, but he works out almost every night.  I can’t wait for the pool to open so I can start swimming. 

So tonight I made breakfast tacos for dinner.  I thought they turned out pretty well.  I made some eggs just for Josh, but my tacos had potatoes, sausage, bacon, onion, peppers and cheese.  (Yeah, I know, eating like that isn’t helping the weight problem.)  Tomorrow will be our weekly dinner at Taco Cabana.  Matt and I meet there every Thursday before Scrabble practice.  Not sure what our plans for Friday are, but I think we’ll go see One for the Money.  Saturday we are going to a Spurs game.  That should be fun.  I’ve never been to a professional basketball game. 

I’ve been teaching dictionary skills to some of the ELA classes.  I thought that I had created lessons that were relatively interesting, but some of these students simply don’t care.  Many of them never really used the dictionary for more than looking up what a word means, but some can’t even use guide words.  Maybe it will get better with the 7th graders tomorrow.  I’ve invited my principal to come down to see me in action since I know she has to observe me doing lessons. 

Tonight I’m watching idol and then I think I’ll do some reading and maybe play a few games of Scrabble on my phone. 

1 comment:

Leann said...

I believe our bodies know what is not good for them. If you don't like eggs there is a reason for it. Just as some don't like milk. The body knows............

Have a wonderful Weekend dear!!