Sunday, November 07, 2004

Cleaning Frenzy

Since it's probably going to be one of the last gorgeous weekends here (mid 70's yesterday) I decided to take on the garage. I really should have taken a picture of it before I started so you could understand the exact nature of the disaster it was. Having been a fan of clean sweep I made a "sell" pile that is now taking up a good portion of my driveway. I have another pile that is stuff to take to dad. I'm slowing getting through all the laundry. Now, I have to figure out what to do with the sell pile. I thought about having a free garage sale. Just putting it out in the driveway and let people take what they want. I do have a few things I would like to sell, however, like Josh' bunkbed frame. I can't just leave it in the driveway, but I don't want to pile it in the garage. I think I'll start putting it out on tables in the garage and prepare for a garage sale next weekend. (Hoping that it will be nice again.)
Now I also have to deal with the house. I got the living room clean (which is what necessitated the cleaning of the garage). Now the kitchen is a mess, the office is a disaster, and my room hasn't been clean since before I left for Connecticut. Luckily, I'm taking a day off tomorrow.
I think I've gone on this cleaning kick because of a little bit of depression. It is so depressing living in a mess. I know that when I do have a house that is clean it totally lifts my spirits.
Marty gave me more potential bad news. He still doesn't know whether or not he's going to Alaska. He also found that they're still looking to send people to the middle east. Because his job is being dissolved and it's non-essential, he's a good candidate. I don't know what to think about all this. I was finally getting used to accepting him going to Alaska for a year. Now he might go into a very unstable, hazardous area. I'm still trying to keep the faith up that everything will work out. I didn't mean to fall in love with him, but I did. It's just difficult. And I knew it would be. I think if I ever got to a point where life was content in every area, then the world would be coming to an end. If my house was clean with no clutter, Marty was here permanently, Josh got a full scholarship to college, and my debts were paid off.... well if that happens, I'll let you know so everyone can prepare.
Well, I gotta get back to cleaning.

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