Monday, November 01, 2004


It's snowing here. I can't believe it's already snowing. Sure we get some snow here every winter, but generally it seems as though it comes much later than Nov. 1. Generally it waits until one of the major speech tournament weekends in Dec. or Jan. The wind is blowing hard and the snow is actually starting to stick on the ground (lawns) but not the streets as it's probably too warm to really freeze.
It's a time like this that I really, really wish I had a man around. I need the air conditioners taken out of the windows. But since I don't have a man and I'm not physically capable of doing such a chore by myself and it's too late an hour to try to get my son to help, I'm stuck. So I did the best thing I could and tried covering up the drafty inside edges with some foam. Hopefully it will help. I'm not sure when and if I'll be able to get the air conditioners down and where I'd put them. I'm going to pray for one more nice weekend where I can once again clean out an area of the garage (it seems to multiply boxes of crap on it's own) and then offer to make a nice dinner or something for one of my ex-boyfriends or male friend-friends and get them to help. Maybe I'll just put a sign in my yard that says FREE BEER FOR TAKING DOWN AIR-CONDITIONERS and see if I get any offers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

“the Church is not an enemy of the flesh”.