Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Stuck at School

I have a parent meeting tonight so I'm staying here until it's over. I'm meeting with the parents of team members so they can sign up to help with the speech tournament. I have stuff I should be working on, but I'm really not motivated at the moment. I don't have any pressing tournament preparation items that I need to deal with. It's now to the point where I'm just waiting on other things to happen, like getting judges. For that I have to wait on my students. I went and picked up the checks I need for this weekend and I'm thinking of cleaning off my desk. (Still just thinking about it.)
I received a confirmation that my application was received by UNT so that is good news. Now it is still just a wait and see game which I really hate. I want to know NOW! Patience has never been my strong suit.
I suppose I can answer some of the questions posed about Moodle. Moodle is a free online program that anyone can use. What it does for our school is allow me to put lessons online that students can access. They can download worksheets, fill them out and then upload them again. I can also put tests online. It also has a journal feature which I used for students to answer their potential job interview questions. At first I wasn't sure that I liked it, but it was just a matter of figuring out how to use it. What I hope to do is eventually put a good portion of my lessons on there so that students can use the computer to complete them. The use of technology is encouraged in schools and I am one of the few teachers that has several computers in my room because I embrace using them.
Day two back to teaching and I feel exhausted. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to have a meeting this week. Oh well... better to get it over with.


Billy said...

It does sound like you had a long day. I am glad you use computers in your classroom. You have a style that caters to both text book and technology. I think having both stimulates those brains sitting at their desks. Hope you were able to enjoy a relaxing evening at home.

Leann said...

Wow, that's a long day. Thanks for the explination about Moodle.