Monday, October 11, 2010

Back to work

Many people had the day off today.  Students weren’t in school, but we had an inservice session.  I felt it was a bit pointless again.  It was over differentiated learning which is the same thing we’ve learned year after year – about knowing our student’s learning styles and adapting how we teach to fit their needs.  Much of what we talked about, I already do when I can. 

There’s not much more to report here.  I haven’t graded papers like I should.  I got home early today and took a nap instead.  I finished one of my quests that is due on Wednesday.  Now I just need to do an evaluation and discussion entry.  I watched Chuck tonight though I haven’t watched most of last season.  I still have all but one episode recorded on my DVR but never found the time to watch them. 

So I've pretty much wasted most of my evening but I don’t particularly care.  I’m watching The Princess Bride right now.  I guess I’ll try to catch up starting tomorrow. 

1 comment:

Leann said...

Hope today was a successful 'ketchup' day :-)