Friday, October 22, 2010

Busy, busy

I actually finished homework that was due on Wednesday before I left school that day.  It was nice to go home without stressing over getting stuff finished.  Yesterday I had choir rehearsal at 7:00 so I didn’t start on homework until 9:15 or so.  I got a good start but then my cat insisted that it was time to go to bed by 10:15.  Matthew and I texted a little last night.  He lost about 4 hours of work yesterday due to a 3 second power outage at his building.  Today I finished my homework that was due tonight since I had plans to go out tonight.  We had a pep rally at the end of school and I had hopes to sneak out early, but we had a dictator principal staking out the back exit door.  The librarian and I finally sat down and started working on some cataloging stuff for the first time today.  It was a nightmare week with the library database (for the entire district) crashing, being unrecoverable, and the last backup was September 2.  So I left right after school and picked up my friend Pam and we headed to this Mexican food restaurant that serves Patron margaritas for a dollar.  I ate my weight in chips, queso, salsa, and fajitas and am a bit miserable.  So much for the diet.  Now I’m home in pajamas thinking of taking it easy, but trying to talk myself into at least getting some research done for my paper I have to write this weekend.  We’ll see what wins out.  Matthew is preparing for an audit, school board meeting, and public hearing next week so probably won’t hear much from him if at all.  I do hope, however, that we can find time to go out next weekend.  Right now it is just a wait and see thing depending on how the audit goes.  So that’s my life in a nutshell…. just one thing after another all the time. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

... hail to the backup routine ...