Thursday, October 07, 2010

Today’s Pics

Eightballback eightballfront

I was a big hit as the Magic 8 Ball today.  I even had the sayings printed on cards and would randomly pull one out of a pocket I made on the back of the front side when someone would ask me a yes or no question.  I think my kids really liked the creativity of it.  They would ask me random classes during class and I’d pull up an answer. 

I’m not sure if my door placed in the decorating contest, but I thought it was rather clever.  The theme for homecoming was Disney Villains so our door was “Guess the Antagonist” since it was my English class that had to create it.  Behind each character (or protagonist) is a picture and the name of the antagonist (or opposing force). 

door2 door

The picture in the middle is the school’s mascot and the antagonist of course is the mascot of the school we are playing this weekend.  Homecoming is a big deal in this community.  The game sold out on Friday and the only tickets available are for the visitor’s side now.  I’ll be headed to Albuquerque right after school so I don’t have to worry about it. 

I have to get some laundry done tonight and pack a bag for tomorrow.  I’ll just leave from school.  I’ll be back on Sunday sometime. 

Guess I better get started on that laundry so I don’t have to be up late tonight.  I was up until 10:30 working on my costume and I was so tired that I fell right to sleep.  I was still tired this morning though and did not want to get up. 


Leann said...

Very kewl costume and idea. I'll bet the kids had a good time with it.

Enjoy your weekend and relax.

Anonymous said...

Yes that's a great costume, the other outfits were really cool too.