Sunday, May 28, 2006

One Question

Because I participated in another blog by asking a question of someone I am obligated to do the same thing here. But I may bend the rules a bit. You may ask me anything you want and I will answer it honestly. However, if the topic is something that I would deem inappropriate, then I may choose not to answer and delete the comment. Given my profession and the fact that I don't know everyone that reads this blog, I have to be mindful of that.

So anyone game? Ask away!


Cin said...

Ok, I have one for you. When is the last time you have been to Cedar Point?

Annabel said...

Oh, good, that's an easy one. The last time I was there was the summer before last in June 2004. And in my opinion it was much too long ago!

Thanks for asking!

Susanlee said...

Ok, here's one: Do you consider water slides and the like to be the same thrill as a roller coaster?

Annabel said...

No, I think the thrill is different but they are fun. I have ridden the "water" coaster at Schlitterbaun and it was fun, but still not quite the same as rollercoasters themselves. I do like waterparks, however.

Summer said...

Well, let's see, what is your favorite song? Favorite fruit? Favorite car? I know that's three, but I've known you for a while. Ha!

Annabel said...

And Summer knows I'll answer all of them. Song... that is a difficult one because there are so very many. I guess my favorite would be "The River" by Garth Brooks. Favorite fruit would be grapes. Car... that's a difficult one. I love my Honda CRV but I don't know if there's anything else out there I'd love more... though I've been investigating them online. I don't have a favorite car at this point.

Anonymous said...

Here's my question.... when you decided to bend the rules so you wouldn't have to answer anything 'inappropriate'... (and spoken like a natural teacher) What topic were you thinking you might get asked about, and from whom?

(evil satanic laugh)

Annabel said...

I didn't have anyone in particular in mind, but I have had a variety of riff-raff visit my blog. I am not going to answer questions that are of a very personal nature because of my readership. If you do want to ask something that shouldn't be asked here, you know that you can do that in private.