Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Can you believe it?

The laundry is done! I admit that not everything is completely put away, but it's all washed! I have more socks to match up and some folded and hanging clothes to put away, but it's really done! The only thing left are some comforters and blankets that I need to take to the laundromat. Now it's time to focus on the rest of the house. My dishes are done for the most part, but there's just a lot of little cleaning things that need to be done.

I have 3 more days before I leave for Dallas. I probably need to start packing now. I have no idea what to take. I know it will be HOT. I just know that I'm ready to ride some rollercoasters. Oh, yeah, I guess I'm there to work, too.

My brother came by to pick up his weedeater and he spent some time cutting my weeds. I figured I'd just eventually do it by hand, but I'm glad he helped me out.

And that's my boring life. I don't have anything exciting to share. Still getting weirdos IM'ing me. Perhaps I should just turn it off. It's not like I have anyone interesting to talk to online anyways, other than my friend Jonathon and that's on a different messenging service. Well, it's time for summer band so I better get going.

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