Tuesday, June 06, 2006

My I borrow a husband?

Being single has it's great moments. I think I'm finally learning who I am and what I want - which is a good thing. I've developed my own set of beliefs and I'm not putting on any shows for anyone else. For perhaps the first time, I'm just being me. No tap dancing in this house!

But at the same time, sometimes I really wish I had a man around. I'm not certain that I need a relationship right now (but I'm not saying that I don't have my eye out), but there are just some things that need to be taken care of around the house that I'm having to deal with.

I used to have an ex-boyfriend that I could call on from time to time, but since I still owe him some money (which I do fully intend to pay back) I don't want to ask for yet another favor. My brother used to help me out some... that is until he got a new girlfriend (who happens to be pregnant - but I won't go into that diatribe at the moment) and now he is mostly unavailable. He was kind enough to finally let me borrow his weed-eater which is the basis for this post... and I'll get to that in a minute. My dad is also occupying his time with many other tasks, none of which involve this house... which is technically still his... I just make the payments. I have no other men in my life other than my son. Problem is that he doesn't have much more in the ways of skills and strength than I do. I used to have a friend that let me borrow her husband from time to time which was great, but they moved to Michigan for school. Husband is back in the area, but he is spending the summer trying to finish the house they have here to get it sold. I already have him booked for a more major project this summer which is tiling the hall bath.

I have to figure out how to use a weed-eater today. I'm sure it's not that difficult but it kind of looks like a monster so I'm a bit intimidated. But this will be the first time in two years that I've made an effort to deal with the weeds and grass that are impossible to get with the lawn mower. It's just that big mechanical things that spin fast kind of scare me... unless it's a rollercoaster. I also have trees that needs pruning badly. (Believe it or not, there actually are a few trees here in West Texas.) Luckily my sewer line issues, the water heater, and furnace have been taken care of. I guess if I sounded desperate my brother or someone else might magically appear. But using the weed-eater isn't a major issue. (Though I think if he didn't have the girlfriend, he would have come over here and done the weed-eating for me.)

But just so you know, I'm not completely helpless. I fixed the slow drain in my bathroom sink by myself. I know how to check the oil in my car, the coolant, replace a headlight, and I'm about to learn how to replace the air filter. I haven't done an oil change yet, but perhaps I'll learn. I asked for and got my own cordless drill for Christmas. The year before, I got a laser level. I can paint, wallpaper, and I finally learned to use the carpet cleaning attachment on my vacuum cleaner. I put my own desk together and hung a new florescent light fixture in my garage. I budget my money fairly well so that the bills are paid and Josh can do the things he loves. I guess, I'm doing fairly well on my own.

But it would be nice if I could just borrow a husband once in a while. I certainly couldn't pay him, (If I could, I'd just hire people to do all this stuff) but I could make a nice dinner or trade out some work. Anyone free this weekend?


Andrew said...

If I lived closer, I wouldn't mind at all helping you out with some of those things. Alas, I live 3 states away. I hope you find a handyman soon. Thanks for your comments today.

Susanlee said...

Hmm... Justin would be available for most of that stuff if we were closer, but hopefully we'll be making more frequent trips to that area...we secretly want to move back there soon...I'll keep you posted.

Unknown said...

You can ask Patrick, I am not sure we own a weed-eater but maybe he knows how to work one anyway. I am scared of weed-eaters also. I don't really know why...just seem like something that could put an eye out.

PEG said...

We own a weed-eater. I've even been known to use the thing from time to time.