Saturday, November 24, 2007

So much for productivity

I simply can't get motivated today. I had grand intentions of cleaning the house, but I haven't lifted a finger. I only feel slightly guilty. I've been crocheting and reading most of the day. I'm working on a scarf for my brother.

I enjoyed sleeping in this morning. I changed the sheets on my bed and put my comforter back on and it was quite lovely to sleep in last night. I had some cereal this morning and then a slice of leftover pizza for lunch. I ordered pizza last night since I didn't want to get out of the house.

Now I need to figure out what to do about supper tonight. I really need to go to the grocery store, but I'm not ready to get out of the house. I need to take a shower and get dressed. Yes, I've stayed in my pajamas all day.

Maybe I'll get motivated by tomorrow. For now, I'm going to stay in my chair and continue to read and crochet.


Leann said...

Hey girl,

I hope you enjoyed your day in your pj's. I LOVE those days and have not had on in ages. My daughter, granddaughter, and I used to have movie days. We never got out of our PJ's and watched movies all day and ate popcorn. It was fun. I miss those days.

Anonymous said...

As I see it you work continuously without brake - there MUST be a brake, a day of simply "doing nothing": Enjoy it.

Andrew said...

I can't see William Peterson and not think of you now. I was watching CSI on SpikeTV and immediately thought of you and Josh. You know I am a terrible football fan when the Alabama/Auburn game is on and I am watching reruns of CSI. Dad would shriek in horrow if he knew. hehe.

Been carefully watching the weather out your way. It is still snowing to the south of you. I am going to try and convince dad to give me some money to travel this winter and I want to see snow! Canada here I come, or west Texas the way ya'll are getting it this year. You can fix me your famous cashew chicken. I love cashews! Hope you are well. Your blog and everyone elses has been so quiet this holiday. I miss my blogging friends. And I miss you, too!!!!