Monday, December 17, 2007

I have to work tonight

I still feel perpetually behind. I'm catching up on grades (despite not grading anything this weekend). I need to put two more tests together.... which really sucks because it's only for two students in one class and three in the other. If they could just come to school and do their work and pay their fines they wouldn't have to take the tests. So that's on the agenda for this evening.

I was very disappointed in the performances that I saw in my interp class today. The students have had almost six weeks to find and memorize a humorous or dramatic piece and they were quite pathetic today. I hope tomorrow's will be better.
We had to do a bus evacuation drill today. It's a new mandated state law.

I'm ready for Christmas break. Not Christmas... just the break. But then we're going to Albuquerque and that just means that I'm still going to feel like nothing gets accomplished around here. I do like visiting with my family, but I really hate being away from home that long. We'll be gone four days. Our break is cut short this year because of the change in our calendar having to start school later than we've normally been starting. I'm hoping to take the GRE on January 5th and I'll need to get a little bit of studying in before then.

On Thursday I won't have any classes, but I'll have to be at school which just doesn't seem fair. I guess I'll get some cleaning and organizing done in my room. That's also our staff luncheon so I guess I do need to be there. I think I'm going to snuggle under the covers in my room with my work that I need to get done.

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