Friday, December 30, 2005

What Have I done?

Well it's time to look back at the past year and see where it's lead me. Here's a recap:

January: Saw Marty romantically for the last time. Began my Journaling From the Heart workshop (private handwritten journal). Made attempts to lose weight again.
February: obsessed over relationship with Marty as he left for California. Realized that things were off despite continued living in denial. Sent my first email to the Catholic Church. (though I didn't respond for a month)
March: Dealt with a lot of financial worries as child support stopped coming. More frustrations in regard to Marty. Called the Catholic Church and attended my first Mass.
April: Broke up with Marty. Well, I basically let him go. Because I had to. Played in WT's Showcase of Music. Began paperwork on my marriage annulment. Started working on job applications. Mollie (the pain in the ass dog) showed up on my doorstep.
May: Interviewed for jobs and received job offer. Continued to go to Mass. Was my one year anniversary of my blog.
June: Ebayed stuff. Played in summer band. Dated Brian. Worked speech camp.
July: Sent my first real letter to Prison Pete. Taught my last yearbook workshop. Played in director's band at band camp.
August: Started back teaching. Went to my sister's weddings. Got a loan for my big credit cards (although I've charged half one again because of my dental work and not having child support.
September: Found about Josh's dad's suicide. Took students to my first speech tournament by myself. (They won sweepstakes) Started RCIA classes.
October: Watched Josh's marching band contest. Applied for SSI benefits for Josh. Went to dentist for the first time and had wisdom teeth taken out and a root canal.
November: Mine & Josh's birthday. Sang in choir for our Church dedication. Went to Albuquerque for Thanksgiving.
December: Stayed busy with teaching, speech tournaments, RCIA, choir. Finally had SSI come through. Went to Albuquerque for Christmas.

I can't say it was an exciting year, but overall I can't complain. Sure, I wished Marty and I hadn't broken up, but I know that I can't do anything about that. I still appreciate having him in my life. I am thankful for my journey in the Catholic Church. It has been a source of strength and comfort for me. Going back to teaching wasn't an easy decision to make, but I do think it's been the right one. I'm still hopeful for love, but have given up on the internet dating stuff.
I have no regrets from this past year and am thankful for all my experiences. Especially for those with Marty and in the Church. So here's to a new year. May it be as good, if not better as 2005. *raises her glass and drinks*

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