Wednesday, February 02, 2011


I have really had enough of this cold weather.  If I wanted weather like this, I would move to Alaska or the U.P. in Michigan.  Still no hot water.  My brother came today and said it would be pointless to try to fix anything while everything is still frozen.  He did light the gas heater that is in my garage so we’re heating things up to see if we can get the frozen pipes to defrost.  He’ll come back Saturday to fix the busted pipe – assuming it is just the one.  This morning the cold water in the kitchen didn’t work, so now that pipe is frozen.  The only water in the house now is the cold in the bathroom sinks.  Thankfully Matthew is letting me come over in the morning to shower at his place.  Saturday I’ll be heading to Albuquerque – not sure if Matthew will join me, but won’t hold my breath.  But at least I’ll have a hotel and will take a LONG hot bath – maybe I’ll even get some bubbles or bath salts or something girly like that. 

School was ok.  We’ve been starting late for the past two days which really means the kids don’t have to come to zero hour or tutorials.  It has been nice to have the extra time in the morning.  We are starting late again tomorrow – not sure why exactly, but I’m going to slowly try to get caught up.  I have to get the first deadline of this year’s yearbook done in a week and a half.  No pressure.  I still have a million papers to grade.  I was smart enough to leave them at school this time.  (No, Leann, I didn’t use them for the fire!)  Tonight I went to the laundromat instead.  I haven’t been there in years, but I really needed to do laundry and since mine has yet to defrost, I did five loads tonight.  I picked up a burger and tots from Sonic and ate while everything washed.  Then I read my Kindle book while everything dried.  Now I’ve packed a bag to take to Matthew’s in the morning for my shower and have my clothes ready to go so that I just have to tumble out of bed and head out.  I took an ambien to guarantee a good sleep. 

Now I’m going to go read a while – the book is getting more interesting – it has just taken a while to get there. 

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