Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Almost a success

Well, I started my new "plan" today for losing weight. I did mostly good. For lunch, I had a lunchable. I only had one caffeinated beverage (arizona tea). I went to the aerobics class which kicked my butt, but I survived it. I've had no alcohol, though I did want a drink when I got home. The only thing I missed on today was not eating after 7:30.

But it wasn't my fault... yeah, yeah.... excuses, excuses.

I was at my workout class from 5:30-6:30. Then I had to head to the grocery store as we were basically out of food. I thought I'd have enough time to get home by about 7:15 but no such luck. It took 30 minutes just to check out. Aaarrrrgggghhhh.

So for dinner... a little after 8:00, I had a chicken ceasar salad.

Tomorrow I'll do a naked weigh in and let ya'll know where my starting point is and then can keep track of my progress.

I'm totally exhausted right now and plan to be in bed by 10:00. My house is a bit of a wreck at the moment, but I'm too tired to really care about it or do anything about it.

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