Saturday, April 29, 2006

Prom Night

I arrived home just in time to take care of a minor problem with Josh's tux pants (hem had been taken out) and see him dressed all nicely and ready to leave for his first prom. I can't believe that my baby (he'd kill me if he heard me say that) is growing up so fast. It seems like yesterday that I was taking him to band rehearsals in his baby seat. I am feeling a bit old at the moment. Am I really old enough to have a fifteen year old son? A son that is in high school? A son that is going on dates?
I didn't even date when I was 15. If I went out, it was with a group of friends and I never had a steady boyfriend until my senior year in high school. The first was Marty. The second was William. The guy I went to my high school prom with. I'm not exactly sure why I ended up dating William. I thought that he was just a perverted boy because of the jokes he would crack. But at a special activity day for band at the local activity center, we ended up spending time together. I still am not sure why we started dating, but we did. This was shortly before our spring band trip and the prom. When we attended the spring band trip in Houston and Corpus Christi, I knew that things were wrong. And yet I was stupid and continued to hang on. You see, he didn't sit with me on the plane. I know. Obvious, but I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. But it was that little red-headed flute player that butted into things. On the trip, he was giving her a lot of attention and I knew what was going on, but I just turned a blind eye for whatever reason. Perhaps I didn't want to go to prom without a date or something. I really don't remember why, but I stuck it out.
My prom was o.k. I loved my dress. It was a pretty pink dress with lace on top of taffeta. It fit like a glove. I was tiny back then (size 3). He picked my up at my aunt's house (which is the house I live in now). He brought me a corsage that was an orchid. It seemed kind of big, but was very pretty. We went to dinner with some other friends from band. It was the first time I had ever been to a Japanese steakhouse where they cook the meal in front of you. That was probably the best part of the evening. Good food and friends. The prom itself was typical - a dance with a d.j., but I just didn't have a good time. I knew things were not going well and I just couldn't enjoy myself. I think there were plans to go out afterwards, but I asked him to just go ahead and bring me home. The next day I went over to his house and he broke up with me. He wouldn't admit to it being because of the other girl, but they hooked up shortly afterwards. In fact at graduation, I couldn't go to a party with all my band friends (which were basically all my friends in h.s.) because it was at his house with his new flame - although she was just a sophomore. Graduation night I went to dinner with my friend Bret. We went to Bennigan's and had a very nice time. Although I had a crush on Bret forever, it was never meant to be. And since high school I have had my heart opened and broken many times. And I know that Josh will go through many of the same. We all have to. I just hope he enjoys this time in his life and has more fond memories of his prom(s) than I did.


Susanlee said...

*giggle* that picture is so cute!! I went to prom with my gay best friend. No romance but we were very well coordinated.

Summer said...

I'll tell you a secret. When my oldest went to the prom. I cried.

Bret Capranica said...

Josh at the prom - hard to believe - REALLy hard to believe. I hope he enjoyed it.

Yeah - prom was not the best. The PICTURE - wow, now that brings back a few memories. LOL - the redheaded flute player. ROFL - still bitter over that!