Saturday, January 13, 2007

Home Soon

I'm down to my last 15 minutes of internet service. I'll post again once I get home tomorrow evening. So far it's been an uneventful day for me. I ran credit cards, made change, kept track of orders and kept a database of business card contacts. I also finished my book and played a game of rollercoaster tycoon. We ordered pizza for lunch and now it's about time to leave to go to dinner. We're going to try to get our boarding passes printed this evening which I hope will give me and "A" boarding pass. I would rather sit in a window seat. Well, I hope everyone is having a good day and that most of you aren't freezing to death. I'm not looking forward to getting back to 16 degrees.


Susanlee said...

Printing our boarding passes the night before totally saved me and Justin on our trip. If we hadn't been "A" boarders on the plane we probably wouldn't have been able to sit with an empty seat between us. Being giant people, that sort of extra room is helpful. No one ever wants the middle seat. Ha! And Oh yeah the Amarillo airport is closed I think til Monday. Lubbock is anyway.

Andrew said...

Be safe coming home to a winter wonderland.

Leann said...

Have a wonderful trip! I sooo would like to be somewhere warm.

Summer said...

I find it so weird that it's so cold where you are down south and it's like spring here. I hope you have a safe trip. There is no place like home!