Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Presents! Me like presents!

I came home today to a surprise. One of my yearbooks staff sent me a gift. It was a colorful bag full of all sorts of goodies like snacks, bath items, a stuffed bear, etc. With it was a card signed by the entire staff and the adviser. They wanted to thank me for the help I've been giving them this year. They kind of had a rough year as their original adviser left in the middle of the year. But despite everything they got their book done and delivered on time. It's great to feel really appreciated. This is the second present I've gotten from a staff this year. I guess I did my job really well or something. It's going to be really sad to leave this job.
It was tough visiting schools today and not telling my advisers that I'm leaving. It's not that I have a hard time lying; I am a pretty good actress. I understand where my boss is coming from in not telling them so the competition doesn't use to their advantage. I just hate them not knowing until school starts in the fall. Some are aware that I was looking at other jobs. One in particular will not be happy that I won't be visiting. My boss almost lost the account years ago just before he hired me. This adviser told me once that she likes Jim, but she felt that I provided much better service. She told me that if I leave she may still contact me and get me to help with some pages. I told her I'd be glad to what I can.
I only have a few more days of regular work with this job. I'll have a few visits this summer but for the most part my job will be over in a few days. I'm going to miss it, but I'm starting to look forward to this new opportunity. I found out that I will have to work the speech camp this summer. That will be two weeks. I may not work the entire time so that Josh and I can still play in summer band especially since it is a volunteer situation.

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