Thursday, September 09, 2010

The thing about dating

Despite some of the frustrating and confusing aspects that go along with dating, there are some really good things.  For one, I feel happier in general.  I tend to have a smile on my face more.  I’m more friendly with people and just have more happy demeanor overall.  It’s not to say I’m a depressing person usually – most of the time I’m fairly even-tempered, but something about dating just puts a little more spring into my step so to speak.  Another thing is that I tend to have more concern over my appearance.  I take more time with my hair these days.  I try to dress in the clothes that I love and I think look good on me.  I wear jewelry more often – which is saying something because I rarely wear it ever.  I wear perfume much more often.  I just tend to take a little better care of myself.  I think that dating is just good for me – at least when things are going well.  I know that I’m speaking way too soon, but just having someone interested is simply a pleasant change.  I like the fact that I have someone that I can spend time with and enjoy their company.  I like having someone that I can go out and do things with – those things you never want to do alone. 

Well Marty should be here in about 10 minutes.  Not sure where we are going to go out to eat, but should have a nice dinner together.  It will be good to see him.  I think it is a good thing though that I have another prospect in my life right now.  I think it makes being just friends with him a lot easier. 

This afternoon I started getting hit by allergies.  My nose is runny, eyes are watery and the sneezing is starting.  I’m going to take a benadryl or two tonight and see if I can get it to go away for a while.  I’m not wanting this at all right now. 

Today was somewhat productive at school in spite of the technology issues I had with several of the computers in my room that just didn’t want to work.  But I’m learning the tricks of the trade to clear the RAM and get them going again.  It’s kind of cool being able to learn all this stuff now.  Well, going to get ready to head out – will post again tomorrow.

1 comment:

Leann said...

I'm happy for you. I understand the feeling.

I just read that if you have allergies it's best to take the meds prior to bed time so that when you wake up in the morning your symptoms are manageable and more likely to help the next layer of pills.