Thursday, August 12, 2010


So aside from my brain dead moment earlier today, I did go up to the high school to work.  The custodian was able to find me four table to put in my room but then I got to wondering if that would be enough seating.  So I went to check with the counselor and it turns out that my English classes are 23 and 25 students respectively.  Last year, I only had 14.  Because of the awkward divider wall in the room, it isn’t possible to really add enough tables to seat everyone.  I asked the secretary if/when the wall would be taken down since a work order was submitted early this summer.  Then I visited with my principal about the issue.  He came up to see my room and he suggested adding single desks on the end of each table which would give me seating for 24.  I think he is also going to try to get the ball rolling on getting the wall taken down but I shouldn’t hold my breath. 

I got a little bit done today, but still have a ways to go in order to be ready for school to start in a little over a week.  I’m wondering what other “fun” surprises will be thrown at me before school begins. 

Tonight I made spaghetti for supper and am having key lime ice cream for dessert.  Walmart has these individual ice cream cups that are quite yummy.  I’m thinking of taking my ambien a little earlier tonight and see if I’ll be able to get up earlier tomorrow morning.  I need to head to the medical lab early so I can get back and take the animals to the vet at 10:30.  Then I’m not sure what I’ll do in the afternoon.  I think I’ll work on some speech meeting business and then get ready for my happy hour girls night out. 

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