Thursday, August 17, 2006

Back to the grind

The only bad thing about having summers off (other than it's still too short of a vacation) is having to come back to working a full day and not being used to it. I am really not doing a lot of "teaching" yet and I'm still tired. I decided to hold off on the lessons I was working on last night and do an easy assignment instead since it's still only the first week. The students are memorizing a brief anecdote to present so I can get an idea of their speaking voices and style. So today they read Reader's Digests all period. I did make some progress today in the storage room. I had my student aide clean out the filing cabinets that are in there. One of the business teachers needed a cabinet so I had the custodian take it down to her. That leaves me with an extra one which I can always use. I think my aide and I are going to continue to work in the storage room and get as much done as I can in there without ruffling the feathers of the business people. I think we'll make a list of the books and such that's in there and they can probably decide from the list what they want to keep and what can be tossed. I would be willing to even keep some things in there in the bottom shelves for them, but there's so much right now, I don't know if I want to go that far.
I've got a few things to do tonight, but I think I'm going to take it easy for a while until supper is done which will be in about an hour.

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