Tuesday, August 08, 2006

It's just too much stuff

First, some good news - The painting at school is DONE! I only sustained one more injury today and it was not painting-related. I was taking apart one side of my desk because the return just doesn't work for the way I want to organize things and while unscrewing it, the top part of it fell on my shoulder - so I'll probably have a bruise there as well. More good news... I'm getting things in my room situated. I have my desks in rows. I have the computer desks all to the side and they're all hooked up and wired. I haven't tested them yet, but wanted to make sure my teacher station is working... obviously it is since I'm still at school.
Bad news is that I just don't know where to put everything. I have plenty of room but I'm not sure how I want things to be organized. The storage room still hasn't been cleaned out as well. I could use that space to start organizing some of my other things, but I can't because it's pretty well packed with a bunch of other junk. As soon as I get things situated, I'll take more pictures so you can see what my room looks like now. Tomorrow is our first day back to work. We have inservice meetings for the next week. I will probably work in my room through my lunch hour. We have a lot of new staff this year so it will be interesting tomorrow.
I had a couple of students that came up and helped today. They cleaned out some of the junk that was in the storage unit in my room... at least in the cabinets that weren't locked. I'm not sure what to do about that. I can't use some of the cabinets and a filing cabinet because I have no keys for them. I think I need to find a student that is good at picking locks. I know that's kind of sad, but I think there are probably several here that would have that skill. Well, I better get back to work. I don't have much more time here.
I wanted to thank my new readers for commenting. It really made my day. I was starting to wonder if anyone was reading my blog any more.

1 comment:

Summer said...

Keep plugging away. I'll be with you during your whole school year.